Herbivore Simple Report

Host plants of a herbivore - Information from Plant-SyNZ (http://plant-synz.landcareresearch.co.nz/index.asp)
All except overseas plant species selected. Report created on 30/04/2024 3:38:51 AM
Grouped alphabetically

Herbivore species: Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller, 1873), Gelechiidae, Lepidoptera (Moth or Butterfly)
moth; caterpillars tunnel in leaves of Solanum species, and stems and tubers of potatoes Biostatus: adventive

Plant species and reliability score: 0-10. 10 indicating excellent evidence for the association_

10 Datura stramonium L., Solanaceae (Potato family), Solanales, Magnoliopsida, Spermatophyta. Biostatus: Exotic, Wild, New Zealand

10 Solanum aviculare G.Forst., Solanaceae (Potato family), Solanales, Magnoliopsida, Spermatophyta. Biostatus: Non-endemic, Wild, New Zealand

8 Solanum betaceum Cav., Solanaceae (Potato family), Solanales, Magnoliopsida, Spermatophyta. Biostatus: Exotic, Wild, New Zealand

8 Solanum laciniatum Aiton, Solanaceae (Potato family), Solanales, Magnoliopsida, Spermatophyta. Biostatus: Non-endemic, Wild, New Zealand

9 Solanum lycopersicum L., Solanaceae (Potato family), Solanales, Magnoliopsida, Spermatophyta. Biostatus: Exotic, Wild, New Zealand

10 Solanum melongena L., Solanaceae (Potato family), Solanales, Magnoliopsida, Spermatophyta. Biostatus: Exotic, Sometimes present, New Zealand, Heenan, P.B.; de Lange, P.J.; Cameron, E.K.; Champion, P.D. 2002: Checklist of dicotyledons, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes naturalised or casual in New Zeala

10 Solanum muricatum Aiton, Solanaceae (Potato family), Solanales, Magnoliopsida, Spermatophyta. Biostatus: Exotic, Wild, New Zealand

10 Solanum tuberosum L., Solanaceae (Potato family), Solanales, Magnoliopsida, Spermatophyta. Biostatus: Exotic, Wild, New Zealand