Herbivore Simple Report

Host plants of a herbivore - Information from Plant-SyNZ (http://plant-synz.landcareresearch.co.nz/index.asp)
All except overseas plant species selected. Report created on 30/04/2024 1:17:02 AM
Grouped alphabetically

Herbivore species: Mycodiplosis sp., Cecidomyiidae, Diptera (Fly)
gall fly; larvae feed on rust fungi Biostatus: adventive

Plant species and reliability score: 0-10. 10 indicating excellent evidence for the association_

7 Puccinia antirrhini Diet & Holw., Pucciniaceae (Rust fungus family), Pucciniales, Pucciniomycetes, Basidiomycota. Biostatus: